Saturday, 1 August 2015

A Late Post : Field Trip to Bank Negara

Hello~ I have skipped so many entries because of other assignments. However, I will still try to share about what I knew and what I learned during the field trip to Bank Negara.

Everytime when I heard of field trip, the feeling of excitement comes out from my inner self. I love field trip, field trip is the moment when you can see and feel the exact thing. For example is the art gallery in Bank Negara. This was the first time that I made a visit to the art gallery. It's impressive although we were unable to go through the whole building.

So, let me share about the pre-talk by Abdul Muid Latif. Firstly, he surprised me because he was above my expectation. (Because in my imagination, he is an old guy.) He shared many useful art information in a fun way and I think the young people will like it. On that day, I managed to write down some of the artist name, just have a look and for my reference ^^.

1. Wong Hoy Cheong
2. Hasnul Jamal Saidon
3. Tan Jin Ho (Wau 2020)
- inspire by Wau Bulan
- specialise in 3D animation
4. Mabatir Buang (Milx)
- conceptual art
5. Mobammad Yazid (Zid)
- produce character for game
- conceptual artist for gozilla
6. Beatrice Tan (KiDchan)
- Strong usage in colour
7. Firdaus Herrow
- use a lot of projection

Lastly, I have seen Muid Latif's live Digital Art Show in this video. It's awesome! Guys, can have a look xD

Muid Latif Digital Art Show

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